Stack the Blocks

by Globulus Team



The game consists of block moving back and forth on top of another block and Player ’sgoal is to stop the block exactly on top of the underlying block to create a tower of blocksas high as possible. If the incoming block does not overlap with the underlying block at all,it’s game over.If stopped when the block is exactly on top of the other, the block is stacked with exactlythe same size as the underlying one. If failed to do so, the part that is left outside of theunderlying block will be chopped off and fall down. The next block will be of this newblock’s size. As a result, the blocks will get smaller increasing the difficulty as the gameprogresses.Every stacked block adds to the Player’s score. A particular number of scores will give onediamond. Diamonds can be used to buy skins which can be applied to the blocks.